Montag, 28. April 2008

final days...

why do all good things come to an end?!
so it's final's week here at MWSU - the second semester is coming to an end.
had my first final today in marketing research, wasn't that bad i guess... i have a final on thursday (marketing management) and two on friday (international management and entrepreneurship). And on Monday, our Marketing Research paper is due. Sounds like a pretty busy week - but i should be able to get it done.
can't wait for school to be over and heading for the west... i'm really getting bored of missouri, especially since wolfang sold his car and we can't get around that easily...i will rent a car for the last week... i need to run some errands (sending cloths back to germany, cancelling my bank account, etc.)...
during the last couple of days i found the time to manipulate some of the cancun pictures i take... they can be seen on my picasa account... here are some thumbnails though:

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