Dienstag, 28. August 2007

it arrived...

finally i do have my new macbookpro...
i'm just downloading boot camp in order to install windows xp as an second os... so far this little thing seems quite cool.
the only thing that bothers my is that the internet in the dorm is pretty slow...well REALLY SLOW!!!
other than this exciting new toy, classes started yesterday.
Well, this consumer behavior class wolfgang and i are taking will probably be a smooth one. This College writing and rhetoric class will be pretty easy as well, but pretty time demanding with all those essays and stuff :( the first paper is due on friday. "This I believe" - na hurra.
Today i had my first Psychology class. This teacher is just cool. pretty old, pretty funny. should be an easy-going class.
Tonight i'm gonna have my first evening class - Principles of Marketing. We'll see how that one's like.
Since i'm online now, i'll promise to keep the other side of the ocean up-to-date on what is happening with that German guy in St. Joseph.
Have you ever heard that the name Toby is used for a actual girl ?
take it easy...

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